The Black Excel Newsletter
October, 2002
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide is now on sale at for $13.96. "This book will have a rallying impact on our aspiring college students." -Isaac Black, Black Excel Founder and Author
(1)Black Colleges to Set Up Schools of Law?
(2) Experience the Renaissance at Fisk University!
(3) Hispanic College Fairs in November 2002 (New York and New Jersey)
(4) Educational Student Tours (16th Annual Black College Tours) from Los Angeles
5) Law Forums for October and November 2002 (Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles)
6) The 7th Annual Spring College Tour 2003 (from Kansas City, MO)
(7) The Official Guide to American Bar Association Law Schools
8) How to Actually Win a Scholarship? (Note from Black Excel's Founder)
Black Colleges to Set Up Schools of Law?
The Just Beginning Foundation, a national association of federal black judges, meets in Houston this month. A key concensus is that HBCUs need more law schools. Frederick Humphries, president and CEO of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, said he would try to help "establish at least seven new law schools in historically black colleges." He said that only six of the nation's roughly 100 historically black colleges have law schools, including Texas Southern University's Thurgood Marshall College of Law. Humphries, past president of historically black Florida A&M University, said there are seven Southern states in which there is no law school at a historically black college. For more interesting angles on this, go to: College News.
Experience the Renaissance at FISK University
(Special to Black Excel)
The Office of Admission & Financial Aid at Fisk is pleased to announce it's Open House schedule for 2002-2003. This is an opportunity for parents and prospective students to come and experience Fisk. Led by Dr. Carolynn Reid-Wallace, its first
female president, the university is enjoying an unprecedented growth and wants to welcome all to visit the historic campus in Nashville, Tennessee.During Open House, guests will talk to faculty representatives, student leaders, and enjoy a full day's worth of activities highlighting the "Fisk experience." Open House is a courtesy to all guests. The dates for 2002-2003 are as follows:
November 22, 2002
January 17, 2003
April 4, 2003The Third Annual Talented Tenth Enrichment Day program will take place on February 22, 2002. It's a special day for academically talented male students. The centerpiece of this event is the awarding of three scholarships to contest finalists (who are typically incoming students at Fisk).
Open House guests must RSVP no later than one week before the scheduled date. To RSVP, schedule an individual visit to Fisk, or get more info on any noted program, please email Keith Chandler, Admission Counselor at, or write: Office of Admission & Financial Aid/FISK UNIVERSITY/1000 17th Avenue
North/Nashville, TN 37208(Aside: Black Excel has ranked Fisk a "10 Best" HBCU and has presented a strong, original profile of this institution in our Black Excel African American Student's College Guide available at A sampling of other featured HBCUs: Howard, Spelman, Florida A&M, Hampton, Xavier, Morehouse, Clark-Atlanta, Lincoln, Morgan State, Johnson C. Smith, Claflin, Tuskegee, South Carolina State, and others.
Hispanic College Fairs in November 2002
(New York and New Jersey)New York City Hispanic College Fair at CUNY-Lehman College Main Gym, Bronx NY
Date: Nov. 14th at 9:30 - 12:30 pmNorthern New Jersey Hispanic College Fair at Union County College - Main Gym, Cranford
Date: Nov. 20th 9:30 - 12:30 pm
Educational Student Tours
(16th Annual Black College Tours)
From Los AngelesTwo tours from Los Angeles noted here include airfare. Cost: $1,153.
This tour group has been featured in Essence magazine and on ABC's "Nightline." Educators Gregory and Yasmin Delahoussaye are the tour directors. The tour includes round-trip airfare from LA as well as deluxe transportation and hotel accommodations, meals, and chaperones.
Tour A is to: Morgan State, Howard, Hampton, Norfolk State, Shaw University, North Carolina A&T, Clark-Atlanta, Morehouse, Spelman, Morris Brown. It departs on April 13, 2003.
Tour B is to: Clark-Atlanta, Morehouse, Spelman, Morris Brown, Tuskegee, Florida A&M, Southern University (Baton Rouge), Xavier, and Dillard. It departs on June 22, 2003.
For more info, visit website at or contact: Educational Student Tours/16850 Gresham Street/ North Hills, California 91343/Tel. # (818) 891-8087 FAX # (818) 892-1384/e-mail address:
Law Forums for October and November 2002
(Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles)(Black Excel has attended some of these forums. Representatives from over 100 law schools usually attend. Bring a backpack for catalogs and resource materials that will be available.)
October 11-12: Atlanta
Friday, Noon - 6PM
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
Sheraton Atlanta Hotel
165 Courtland Street
Atlanta, GA
404-659-6500November 2: Boston
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
Boston Marriott Copley Place
110 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA
617-236-5800November 11: San Francisco
Monday, Noon - 6 PM
Hotel Nikko San Francisco
222 Mason Street
San Francisco, CA
415-394-1111November 15-16: Los Angeles
Friday, Noon - 5 PM
Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM
Los Angeles Airport Marriott
5855 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA
The 7th Annual Spring College Tour 2003
(From Kanas City, MO)Dates: March 16-23, 2003
This tour is sponsored by Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. It's from Kansas City to: Wilberforce University (OH), Central State University (OH), West Virginia State, North Carolina Central, Fayetteville State (NC), Benedict College (SC), Allen University (SC), Edward-Waters College (FL), Bethune-Cookman (FL), Albany State (GA), Ft. Valley State University (GA), and Lincoln University (MO).
THE COST: $420.00 Per Student.
TRAVEL: 54-Passenger Luxury Coach Bus.
FOR INFO contact Jim Buford, Tour Coordinator at 816.795.7813.
Price includes: transportation and lodging.
Partial payments are accepted.
1. Checks payable to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
2. Mail checks to: Jim Buford at 2809 Castle Drive South, Independence, MO 64057
3. Final payment due: February 28, 2003 (no refunds after February 28th)
The Official Guide to ABA Law Schools
(Including application fees, GPA averages, and more)
How to Actually Win a Scholarship
(Note from Black Excel's Founder)In the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide(John Wiley & Sons), I tell you what to do, step by step. This is the "real deal" overview you would get if you were sitting with me one-on-one. Hundreds of scholarships are also listed. Scholarship-related content?
*Get the Money Guide (p. 87 to p. 143 )
*Getting Started: Ten Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Scholarship Search (p. 101-103)
*Your Scholarship Get-The-Money Tutorial (p. 104-106)
*Scholarship FAQs (p. 109-110)
*Scholarship Sources (p. 113-143)
To order from
Click on book image.
Newsletter by Isaac Black, Founder, & Kristin S. Black, MD
Black Excel: The College Help Network
Kristin: AKAdr2@aol.comSEND MAIL TO:
Black Excel: The College Help Network
244 Fifth Avenue
PMB H281
New York, NY 10001-7604Black Excel has 501c (3) nonprofit status with the IRS.
Tip: To maximize your child's college options (getting in, aid, scholarships), check out the Black Excel African American Student's College Guide. It's only $13.95 at
--Isaac Black, author and Black Excel Founder.(Information provided by Isaac Black, Founder, Black Excel:
The College Help Network.
The Black Excel African American Student's College Guide,
by Black Excel Founder Isaac Black,
is now on sale at for $13.96.
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